Regain Your Balance Now, Here Is How

Jersey Shore Regional Center for Vertigo, Dizziness, Dystonia and ADD
ADHD has
posted a new item, ‘Regain Your Balance Now, Here Is How’

Over the past several months, we have been discussing imbalance,
vertigo, disequilibrium, etc., how to find out if you are at risk, etc.
know that as part of the natural aging process individuals will become
prone to imbalance associated with changes in the spinal joints from
degenerative joint disease, and the disturbances in the ocular reflexes
are pre-programmed to the spinal movements. These disturbances can also

This is an excerpt from my latest post ‘Regain Your Balance Now, Here Is
How’. You may read the entire post at Best regards,
Dr. A. R. Scopelliti Dr. Scopelliti is a Fellow of the American College of Functional
Neurology and the American Board of Vestibular Rehabilitation,
practicing at the 279 Professional Arts Bldg at Monmouth Medical Center,
in Long Branch, NJ. His office focuses on patients with vertigo,
dizziness, imbalance, presyncope, dystonia, ADD ADHD, coma, and many
other neurologic as well as behavioral and cognitive disorders. Dr.
Scopelliti is an author and lecturer of postdoctoral neurology, and has
also written several software applications for neurologic and vestibular
rehabilitation. Find a wealth of information at Jersey Shore Regional Center for Vertigo, Dizziness, Dystonia and ADD ADHD. Visit Dr. Scopelliti’s Guestbook to see what patients say.

About dcneuro

Dr. Scopelliti is a Fellow of the American College of Functional Neurology, a Fellow of the American Board of Vestibular Rehabilitation, and a Diplomat of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board. Licensed as a DC, Dr. Scopelliti is fellowship level trained in traumatic brain injury and concussion. Practicing at the 279 3rd Ave. Medical Arts building at Monmouth Medical Center, in Long Branch, NJ, Dr. Scopelliti specializes in the management of patients suffering with traumatic brain injury, concussion, vertigo, dizziness, dysequilibrium, dystonia as well as other brain based disorders.
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